List of Best Online Latin Courses 2021

List of best online Latin courses 2021

Our team has curated a list of the 10 Best Latin Language Online Training Courses, Online  Latin Classes, Latin Certifications, Latin Tutorials, and Programs. Our team of expert reviewers was compiled after sifting through a lot of data and watching hours of video. So sit back, relax, and chose from these handpicked, best Latin online courses.


1) Chapters 1-15 of Wheelock’s Online Latin Course Lectures

Online Latin Course

Course Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars

Total Reviews: (780 reviews)

Total of 4,706 students

Course Link:

Concerning the course

This is Udemy’s most popular distance learning Latin course. It contains a series of lectures to help students learn Latin online and get the most out of the excellent and justly renowned textbook “Wheelock’s Latin” over the years of teaching Latin from it.

You’ll find your questions regarding perplexing grammar principles — English and Latin — that modern-day students often find an insurmountable obstacle to progressing in Latin. The lectures will not be able to take the place of the Wheelock text. They will, hopefully, smooth out your on-ramp. As a result, the classes correspond to the chapters of the textbook. This will provide you with “context-aware” assistance when you need it.

You won’t find answers to the tests or anything else that the Wheelock book’s publisher has copyrighted. It would help if you had the Wheelock text to profit from these lectures.

In a traditional college class, the first 15 chapters are covered in the first semester; they are covered in the first year in a high school class.

Learn Latin with Wheelock’s Latin chapters 1-15 in this Learn Latin Online course.

Wishing you the best of luck!

This distance learning Latin course or online latin course is best  for the following individuals:

  • Homeschoolers and/or autodidacts
  • Students in a typical academic environment (college or high school) that need some extra assistance.
  • Students in a specific educational setting that need some additional assistance
  • The following topics are in the course structure:
  • 9.5 hours of video on demand
  • 5.5 hours of audio on demand
  • One online document
  • Access for the rest of your life
  • Mobile and television access
  • Completion certificate


2) An Introduction to Classical Latin

Classical Latin Course for Beginners

Course Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Total Reviews:  (637 reviews)

Total of 4,093 students

Course Link:

A brief description

In this first of two explanatory courses, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Classical Latin. This online Latin course will teach students basic Latin grammar and syntax, as well as a large vocabulary that will develop with each lesson.

The following are some of the benefits of taking this online Latin course class:

  • Being fluent in the father of all Sentimental languages (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French). This is a fantastic starting point for studying an array of different languages in the future.
  • Understanding the etymology of thousands of English words that have Latin origins.
  • Learning the structure of a new language can aid students in grasping grammar in their native tongue.

Included are the following materials:

  • Each lesson begins with a three- to seven-minute lecture.
  • A document that goes with each lesson subject and provides a list of 10-15 vocabulary words
  • Sentence translations from Latin to English and vice versa
  • Every five chapters, there are self-test tests.
  • Exam and translation activities response key
  • An additional vocabulary list (which I will continue to add to)

This Latin course is for those who are eager to learn new languages and reading ancient historians’ and philosophers’ manuscripts. Due to this being an introductory course, it is not suitable for those seeking advanced Latin instruction.

3) First Quarter of Latin I Online Latin Course

Learn the basic declensions and vocabulary of Latin nouns.

Course Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars

Total Reviews: (103 reviews)

Course Link:

A brief description

This Latin certification course will take you through the very first steps in studying Latin. It describes noun declension (first through fifth) and the five Latin cases’ basic functions (Nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative). It goes into the fundamentals of sentence form and grammar. It deals with the subject-verb agreements, noun genders, and the conjugation of the connecting verb ESSE (to be).

Students must have Henle Latin First Year (book or digital) and also the reference grammar book for this course (paperback or digital). Learning “Looking at Latin” can be beneficial, but it is not necessary.

This first quarter should be completed in around ten (10) weeks. Studying the lectures (videos), memorization work (vocabulary, declension, conjugation, and grammar rules), and written work are all part of the work (exercises).

After completing this Latin course, the next logical move is to enroll in Latin I, Second Quarter. It’s important to note that Henle, Latin First Year, is protected in both Latin I and Latin II. Latin II and Latin III are already available.

If you take this course judiciously, it will provide you with a sound base in Caesar’s and Cicero’s languages. It can also satisfy certain homeschooling requirements for foreign language credits in high school.

This course is intended for the following students :

  • in order for homeschooling students to complete their language requirements
  • in the interest of students interest in languages
  • intended for students interested in classical studies
  • intended for students with an interest in ancient
  • not for students looking for a simple to learn language
  • not recommended for students with prior latino experience

4) Perseus 1-11 Fabulae Faciles Online Latin Course

A reliable guide for the Latin student progressing from basic Latin grammar to real classical authors.

Course Rating: 4.4 out of 5

Total Reviews:  (23 reviews)  

Course Link:

A brief description

The real Latin writers who mark the transition to intermediate Latin will overwhelm students who have only completed a year or two of elementary Latin grammar. Fabulae Faciles, a popular and excellent nineteenth-century reader, was crafted and perfected over many years to bridge this gap.

For years, I’ve used these stories as independent study materials for my college-level Latin students during the summer, which usually divides elementary and intermediate Latin.

The first reader in the Fabulae Faciles is covered in this class by providing audio files, guided research, supplementary materials, and, most importantly, a steady and clear presence as you progress through the passages.

  • Self-Learners are the target audience for this course.
  • Students and homeschoolers
  • Students who want to develop their study skills in unconventional classrooms
  • Teachers of Latin are searching about ideas for how to run recitation courses.

5) Linney’s Latin Class is a Online Latin course taught by Linney

Course Link:

Since it is totally free and targeted at homeschooling and self-taught students, this course is considered as the best online Latin course. The First Year of Latin, the course manual, contains the fundamentals of Latin grammar.

In addition, the online part of the curriculum includes a collection of MP3 recorded lectures to supplement the textbook. If you choose not to have a hard copy, you can buy and download the textbook in PDF format. The textbook itself is over a century old, indicating that it has proven to be successful.

Linney’s Latin Class is what it sounds like.

Linney’s Latin Class is a free online Latin course offered as a service to homeschooled and self-taught students.

 Inney’s Latin Study is an authentic Latin course with an authentic textbook. As a result, before you begin these lectures, I suggest that you first read Getting Started with Latin, my beginner Latin novel. This book will give you a plain introduction to Latin grammar, laying a solid foundation for Linney’s Latin Class. Of course, you are not required to do so, but it will make the process much simpler for you to begin.

Where Do I Begin?

This online Latin class is made up of a series of free recorded lectures that can be viewed on YouTube. These lectures walk the listener through Gunnison and Harley’s Latin textbook, The First Year of Latin (1902 edition). To take Linney’s Latin Class, you’ll need to purchase the textbook, download the lessons, and listen to them. You’ll almost certainly need a journal to keep track of your work.


I hope this article saved you hours of searching through the internet and not being able to make up your at the end of it. For more articles like this, keep following us!

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  1. Frequently Asked Questions for Learn Latin Online

    […] is an online language teaching app that offers courses in Latin with no cost or commitment necessary to learn it from home. It has over 300 million users who have […]

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